Theodore Kindergarten
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Contact Information
(07) 4993 1447 teccakids@bigpond.comCnr First Avenue & The Boulevard, Theodore QLD 4719 - Closed
Mon - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Tue - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Wed - Closed
Thu - Closed
Fri - Closed
Sat - Closed
Sun - Closed
About the centre
At Theodore Early Childhood Centre we have Qualified Staff who run an Accredited Kindergarten Program as well offering a Limited Hours Day Care Program.
We believe in providing a warm, secure, loving and welcoming environment. We share your child’s excitement, applaud their successes and on top of all that provide endless opportunities to play and extend on play based learning opportunities.
Approved Kindergarten: Monday and Tuesdays
Our Kindergarten service operates in alignment with the National Quality Framework, incorporating the Education and Care Services National Regulation (2011), the National Quality Standards, the Early Years Learning Framework and the Qld Kindergarten Guideline as overarching curriculum documents. Theodore Early Childhood is proud to be affiliated with Lady Gowrie, as our Central Governing Body.
We know that children who participate in a quality early education program enjoy a ‘flying start’ to learning and life. Kindergarten programs offer a safe and caring environment in which children can build confidence in their abilities, extend their skills and have fun while learning. Children who participate in Kindergarten programs discover new learning experiences and establish relationships that create a strong foundation for their future education.
Children learn through play. At Kindergarten your child will participate in play-based learning experiences designed to encourage their physical, social, intellectual, language and emotional abilities.
Under the guidance and care of a qualified early childhood teacher your child will:
- Use language to communicate ideas, feelings and needs.
- Make friends and learn how to cooperate with other children
- Become more independent and confident in their abilities
- Develop self-discipline
- Use their creativity to express ideas and feeling through art, dance and dramatic play
- Identify, explore and solve problems
Kindergarten will help your child learn early literacy and numeracy concepts as well as develop communication skills that will assist with reading and writing. Most importantly, Kindergarten will help your child learn to enjoy learning and be better prepared to start school.