Contact Information

(07) 5448 1702

Rufous Street, Peregian Beach QLD 4573

Today - Closed

Mon - 8:45 am to 2:45 pm

Tue - 8:45 am to 2:45 pm

Wed - 8:45 am to 2:45 pm

Thu - 8:45 am to 2:45 pm

Fri - 8:45 am to 2:45 pm

Sat - Closed

Sun - Closed

About the centre

Set in leafy one acre gardens, Peregian Beach Community Kindergarten a not-for-profit, community-owned centre which offers a strong family atmosphere where children (and their families) feel a clear sense of security and belonging.

Spontaneous play-based activities are highly valued, whilst an underlying curriculum planned with staff, child and family input unfolds daily.

We have 50 places for Kindergarten each year as 2 groups of 25 children attend in a five-day fortnight. Therefore there is just one group in attendance with an Early Childhood Teacher and two Early Childhood Educators each day.

We also offer 12 playgroup positions each year, from terms 2-4 for children aged 2.5-3.5 years who will be attending Kindergarten the following year. Three children attend on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday with a parent or guardian.

Applications are made online at with a $30.00 waiting list fee.

Families are welcome to visit the centre and see the program in action.  Please phone to make an appointment.

So what’s special about us…

The Staff

The centre is fortunate to have the continuity of long-standing dedicated staff who value:

  • Childhood as a precious time of life
  • Personal attention to each child’s needs and interests
  • Community involvement
  • Children’s learning through play
  • Ongoing professional development
  • Continuous implementation of positive change and enhancement of the curriculum
  • Home visits

The Kindy’s Natural Environment

  • A very shady, tranquil, spacious playground which allows many opportunities for children to experience, explore and appreciate the natural environment.
  • Large established paperbark trees, hibiscus shrubs, natural watercourse with waterfall, rainforest area incorporating “Gubbi Gubbi” aboriginal village play area, thatched pergolas, natural timber climbing structure with treehouse, climbing wall, beach sand pit, timber boat, “leaf” seats, swings, large equipment shed and bike path.
  • A “secret garden” incorporating fruit trees and raised vegetable gardens.
  • The children are invited to observe all of the “treasures from nature” noticing their unique characteristics.
  • The indoor environment features a variety of natural materials, soft colours and timber furniture.
  • An enormous variety of high quality and well-maintained resources that invite children to learn and create.

Family and Community Involvement

  • The whole family is invited to be involved in the curriculum.  We believe this is an essential component of early childhood education. We also involve relatives and friends of the children wherever possible.
  • The children and families are encouraged to make ongoing contributions to each child’s learning portfolio. Photos and learning stories for each child are recorded and added by the staff and families.
  • We  make  connections  with  our  community  with  visits  from  the  local  fire brigade/police/ambulance  services,  excursions  into  the  local community, such as our local “Veggie Village”, Tennis club, and Peregian Village shopping precinct. We also invite visitors from further afield, such as puppeteers, storytellers, wildlife experts and musicians.
  • We value our connections with the local indigenous Gubbi Gubbi people.
  • For children with additional needs, communication with the appropriate services as well as the family provides an overall picture of the child and his/her requirements for optimal care and education.

One of the most exciting aspects of Kindergarten is all of the relationships that develop and blossom throughout the year. The staff members are committed to ensuring that every child feels safe, nurtured and cared for. The staff endeavour to make strong connections with all children and their families so that everyone feels a strong sense of belonging to their group, to the centre and to the local community. Home visits further enhance this relationship.

High Standards

Standards in terms of staffing, curriculum, resources, safety and hygiene and family involvement are very high. Our curriculum is based on the Qld Kindergarten Learning Guideline which is strongly aligned with the national Early Years Learning Framework.

In 2021, the Kindergarten received the “Exceeding National Standards” rating from ACECQA (Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority) across all seven Quality Areas.

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